Member Scores (Archive)
Session 26: Dog Daze

These are official Tennessee Poker Tour rankings from previous sessions.

The scoring system was changed for session five.  A ranking is awarded after 8 games have been played.  The average is based on all games played.  All league game scores for session five onwards are calculated as follows:

1st - 256 points, 2nd - 128 points, 3rd - 64 points, 4th - 32 points, 5th - 16 points,
6th - 8 points, 7th - 4 points, 8th - 2 points, 9th - 1 point, 10th - no points.

Check out the current scores here.

Rank Member Number Name (Games Played) Avg 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
15767Tom Cao (8)11231211
2627Erica Ford (9)101231111
3173Dan Kublawi (22)89453311113
45908Josh Taylor (11)84142121
54230Shaun Julian (8)83211211
61053Gabe Harrison (35)81752535332
75774Brandon Shoun (10)7821211111
81481Bob Knigge (17)774411124
95756Cody Frasure (8)76211211
101267Pete Gerdts (9)7513122
116005Colin Abell (10)7521111112
122156Wes Gillin (69)74137512477554
13383Landon Maupin (8)72211121
14405Jason Frederickson (22)724223232211
15752Jane Smith (9)7222122
165896Nick Hubler (37)715825122615
17172Major Bordeaux (89)701513557979910
183363Rebekah Dame (54)708785310544
195734Jeff Gasperson (35)706441355322
205315Michael Gagliardo (20)6743221314
214496Jason Little (10)65241111
226018Leanna May (18)6524132321
231657Mike Hardin (17)642322143
241769Andy Bolinger (20)633141313211
255921Andrea Hardin (16)62222211222
265323Jordon Cannon (17)61222312131
275868Robin Kelley (21)6135424111
282375Chris Cochran (13)5921311122
295725Ed Hanson (79)59810139678684
306003Kristen Sherlin (28)593434141521
31174Mary Kublawi (8)58112112
325317Ed Williams (33)5742361121211
336002Patrick Phillips (30)574323224325
341797Jack Jaynes (30)55423154443
355873Turner King (53)5565561224454
365884Andrew Forrester (73)5589944378147
375526Travis Eggers (16)5412334111
38124Derik Smith (32)52325822226
394031Rich Wagner (18)5214113152
406001Brian McPherson (19)52222113332
41185Ronnie Wilhoit (14)511244111
425866Zachary Myers (31)512632112662
432410Jeremy Dame (50)505473737752
445308John Allen (48)50448664457
455396Shelly Silva (47)503687173651
465783Danny Killian (26)503143123324
475918Josh Lowe (18)501243112121
48102Bree Henry (11)4811111321
49302Dan Hurt (19)44312337
503321John Comer (13)431134211
516000Jay Johanan (19)41123123322
525931David Williamson (56)402775669572
531750Tammy Gerdts (8)39113111
544451Bob Culler (18)3711214531
555924Rusty Peterson (51)374164966663
562021Mike Talley (22)3511317621
575869Eric McCall (38)354111215779
585348Derek McCray (19)34411113323
593022Pat Costello III (9)331121112
605936Zia Rahman (24)3221225363
613702Chris Crapo (9)311113111
626019Andrew Edwards (9)3112213
633104Lisa Mathes (13)3034321
645561Brett Douglas (15)3021223221
656006David Singer (13)3021111241
666022Della Dalton (10)2911211112
672624Ron Helsabeck (14)2621331211
681207André Bordeaux (10)18111232
691557Trazel Silvers (8)18112121
705030Jim Rhinehart (9)151112211
711122Bill Dingman (12)722233
NRPlayer Information ("Computer calculated data, do not edit")