Member Scores (Archive)
Session 14: Beachbucks

These are official Tennessee Poker Tour rankings from previous sessions.

The scoring system was changed for session five.  A ranking is awarded after 8 games have been played.  The average is based on all games played.  All league game scores for session five onwards are calculated as follows:

1st - 256 points, 2nd - 128 points, 3rd - 64 points, 4th - 32 points, 5th - 16 points,
6th - 8 points, 7th - 4 points, 8th - 2 points, 9th - 1 point, 10th - no points.

Check out the current scores here.

Rank Member Number Name (Games Played) Avg 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
1121Derrick Nave (10)13551121
22405Chase Thompson (10)12332311
32407Paul Woodmanly (10)95311131
4383Landon Maupin (32)90922324433
53037Lee Chandley Jr (36)888632256112
61780Jesse Heinz (9)862111211
74451Bob Culler (12)85311111121
81400Todd Arrants (37)848462514322
92418Mark Benedict (11)83231212
101559Brent Dexter (51)747107374535
112018Kat Mitchell (9)742211111
12195Marshall Wykoff (12)732231211
132632Tim Kvan (9)68212112
141781Doug Harr (22)67421151224
15724Jason Light (26)6643128521
161401Gail Arrants (36)66464824431
174031Rich Wagner (30)6651463722
181769Andy Bolinger (22)65332242321
194023Ravi Patel (28)65435123451
20174Mary Kublawi (75)649101012778354
21185Ronnie Wilhoit (16)641342222
221124Richard Keen (43)646458444143
232017Steve Austin (36)6445410123232
242412Anish Brahmbhatt (8)64242
254496Jason Little (51)647585827441
261071Skip Dockery (8)6331112
272151Brian Thompson (20)63321341411
28114Tony Crawford (9)611121112
29310Jeff Bolling (10)61213121
30478Jim Fultineer (20)5924126221
312153Sandy Shelton (9)591111221
322803Brandon Pierson (21)59242123142
334022Ernie Dunn (10)59121213
344454Betsy Culler (9)591112211
35338Andy Price (19)583212227
364482Hal Ott (20)5824351212
37124Derik Smith (22)573221221333
38171Neil Miller (22)5723411263
39954Todd Tipton (30)573354533211
402624Ron Helsabeck (46)577341453757
41101Ty Henry (18)56222131232
423029Jeanne Strother (34)56256755211
433035Clifton Blackard (12)5621211113
44172Major Bordeaux (77)55987786512510
45173Dan Kublawi (32)553533223533
46180Chris Healey (12)55121122111
472021Mike Talley (15)551231431
48302Dan Hurt (46)546442357654
491647Paul Johnson (52)5363511635634
501787Sidney Johnson (20)533223514
511053Gabe Harrison (58)52745641027103
521481Bob Knigge (104)521112614686111218
532167Jimmy Wright (21)51143212422
542104Michael Hicks (26)492325323312
55953Angie Tipton (13)481214113
565001Brian Jerrell (13)481122124
575021Brian Campbell (10)47131122
58875Romzie Assid (35)463351272444
591112Justin Lester (9)462121111
601797Jack Jaynes (31)462442144172
612805Dustin Blevins (13)4611311312
62170Charles Roberts (18)4542331212
634449Wes Jester (29)453222421346
641137Russ McCombs (14)4441112311
651226Zhan Lin Chen (35)444132615265
66205Nina Nabors (13)431112422
672425Ronny Street (39)422561233656
68393Allen Fenoseff (31)412245234351
691755Chris McCormick (12)412221212
704000Shane Reid (30)41224441346
715050Dennis Siedall (15)411121311131
72626Chris Hensley (37)401723343284
732109Greg Douglas (10)40111124
742156Wes Gillin (29)403113345234
753018Robin Poore (12)39111212121
764480Sharon Ott (33)392317425243
771640Curtis Williams (28)381422441235
78100James Ovington (29)37221524535
791267Pete Gerdts (26)341233334322
801533Jessica Blevins (73)3457314691028
812400Chris Privette (15)323111333
82102Bree Henry (24)31212334126
83204Bill Elliott (15)3161131111
842399Mike Johnson (16)31114131122
855105Ryan Speed (12)29121242
861148Donald Privette (17)283121442
873104Lisa Mathes (10)26113212
88308Don Sprinkle (11)23312122
891122Bill Dingman (26)23145131641
905030Jim Rhinehart (37)22123196159
911750Tammy Gerdts (27)20221266512
92301Caroline Hurt (10)16111142
93168Steve Roberts (12)1511421111
94976Jonathon Wolfe (8)1322112
955022Helena Campbell (12)7131133
NR159Allen Clyburn (1)01
NR177Missy Clouse (7)34111211
NR187Richard Pettit (7)8812121
NR208Chip Smith (1)01
NR220David Johnson (6)1911112
NR254Ryan Love (1)2561
NR315Robin Bolton (2)611
NR395Gary Horne (2)13611
NR405Jason Frederickson (2)6511
NR424Brandon Hess (3)5321
NR441Josh Littleton (2)2562
NR455Jeremy Broadwater (3)6111
NR602Mark Williams (3)012
NR631Melissa Murray (1)321
NR632Shondar McKinney (1)21
NR635Mike Ford (3)1121
NR636Jason Mesusan (1)11
NR725Rick Caldwell (1)161
NR726Dale Caldwell (1)321
NR866Eddy Abdel (4)134211
NR955Jeremy Campbell (2)4811
NR1242Joe Rosenbalm (2)111
NR1265KJ Eckhart (4)851111
NR1270Tim Clevenger (6)661221
NR1526Jeremy Johnson (6)5211121
NR1545Jody Matney (6)251113
NR1557Trazel Silvers (1)1281
NR1614Alan Shaffer (1)21
NR1621Chad Whitson (6)681212
NR1654Jim Edwards (4)701111
NR1657Mike Hardin (3)101111
NR1706Adam Stepp (5)121112
NR1761Scotty Earp (1)41
NR1762Jordan Rodriguez (1)41
NR1764Joel Eckhart (3)9121
NR1766Jon Sheehan (2)12911
NR1776Rachel Peppard (4)5211
NR1777Andrea Rodefer (1)41
NR1788Phil Terry (2)13011
NR1789Tim Terry (3)53111
NR2043Martin Murphy (1)11
NR2165Jim Dunkle (5)511111
NR2168Chad Biggs (6)62111111
NR2171Michael Danner (2)14411
NR2172Jeremy Smith (3)6111
NR2175Adam Walton (4)181111
NR2378Shawn Barrick (1)161
NR2387Heather Street (1)81
NR2389David Nicely (3)19111
NR2393Todd Anderson (5)531121
NR2395Chris Colbaugh (1)81
NR2398Robert Carlson (2)511
NR2402Billy Eskridge (3)323
NR2403Randy Austin (6)4511121
NR2408Melissa Graham (2)111
NR2409Ginger Stanley (1)641
NR2413Ivar Freeburg (3)1112
NR2416Freddie Reynold (1)01
NR2419Cathy Martir (4)371111
NR2428Claudia Proctor (4)44211
NR2599Matt Dixon (5)6811111
NR2701David Heimbach (2)1711
NR3015Andrew Carr (1)1281
NR3027John Carr (1)21
NR3028Max (5)7111111
NR3036Paula Bryder (1)641
NR3255Victoria Heinz (5)201121
NR3301Troy Bowman (2)3411
NR3307Bryan Roach (5)61121
NR3325Vince Woodmanly (2)3311
NR3326Tom Junker (7)22121111
NR3332Dave Janu (7)2512112
NR3336James Springs (4)65112
NR3338Arthur Dewyer (6)5911121
NR3339Cory Broadwater (2)642
NR3341Paul Turner (5)191211
NR3344Brandon Woodmanly (6)231221
NR3348Keith Boucher (6)31111111
NR3701Scott Knight (2)6511
NR3802Daniel Winters (2)911
NR3818Michelle Wykoff (2)411
NR4233Lee Peace (2)311
NR4444Erica Edmisten (2)13011
NR4448James Jester (7)711212
NR4457Jay Rogers (4)431111
NR4463Chris Galley (2)3311
NR4465Clint Robinette (2)2011
NR4494Andra Little (1)321
NR4684Lyndsay Quillen (3)8621
NR5003Tim Labay (1)01
NR5005Billy Scales (3)23111
NR5013Chris Swiatek (1)2561
NR5015Kevin Kieslick (2)1711
NR5016Mike Ruffin (5)911111
NR5053Joe Reece (1)321
NR5054Shane Vaughn (1)41
NR5101Sandy Nave (1)161
NR5102Mike Walker (2)3311
NR5103Doug Gerdts (2)7211
NR5104Donna Gerdts (2)12911
NR5106Mike Brown (2)1711
NR5107Ted Higgenbotham (1)11
NR5108Nathan Jass (1)41
NR5109John O'Dell (1)161
NR5110Nicole Cordero (1)21
NR5111Rachel Karon (1)81
NR5112Scott Crider (2)9611
NR5113Larry Creech (3)312
NR5114Roddy Hughes (1)21
NR5115Brook Strother (1)321
NR5116Jeff Vaughn (3)5111
NR5117Jason Jilton (4)10211
NR5118Bob Rote (1)11
NR5119Adrian Goguen (1)641
NR5120Tom Nicot (1)161
NR5121John Rowe (1)21
NR5122Susan Woofter (1)01
NR5123Jozi Pizzillo (2)6511
NR5124Nathan Roark (1)41
NR5125Matt McPeak (2)12911
NR5126Gary Biddle (3)121
NR5127Michael Bramlett (1)41
NR5128Charles Anderson (1)2561
NR5129Dustin Mason (1)21
NR5130Erica Ford (1)41
NR5131Tyrone Sparkman (2)9611
NR6790Shawna Johnson (3)12111
Scores For Session 14  ::   Last Update: June 19, 2009
95 Ranked Players  ::  222 Active Players  ::  Average Ranked Score: 52


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