Member Scores (Archive)
Session 11: Fanatics Oktoberfest Invitational

These are official Tennessee Poker Tour rankings from previous sessions.

The scoring system was changed for session five.  A ranking is awarded after 8 games have been played.  The average is based on all games played.  All league game scores for session five onwards are calculated as follows:

1st - 256 points, 2nd - 128 points, 3rd - 64 points, 4th - 32 points, 5th - 16 points,
6th - 8 points, 7th - 4 points, 8th - 2 points, 9th - 1 point, 10th - no points.

Check out the current scores here.

Rank Member Number Name (Games Played) Avg 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
11545Jody Matney (9)1154113
21071Skip Dockery (9)982211111
32104Michael Hicks (19)8534252111
41124Richard Keen (57)82911114345424
54454Betsy Culler (17)783241322
64023Ravi Patel (26)764523323112
71643Vic Cansler (20)74431112224
8535Hank Middleton (14)72312233
91750Tammy Gerdts (15)7223122131
10173Dan Kublawi (43)719315552634
11954Todd Tipton (15)712152131
121112Justin Lester (31)684455323311
134031Rich Wagner (17)682324132
14171Neil Miller (49)666784625641
15301Caroline Hurt (33)656312157341
161130Kevin Winsch (14)651411121111
171559Brent Dexter (22)65164321221
184022Ernie Dunn (21)6441318121
191481Bob Knigge (56)597836254786
201654Jim Edwards (11)5911312111
213802Daniel Winters (10)58322111
22180Chris Healey (40)574556355511
23170Charles Roberts (19)5513432222
24478Jim Fultineer (31)54255265321
251226Zhan Lin Chen (30)53424111548
264496Jason Little (26)53234346121
27395Gary Horne (14)521133231
281070Billy Mitchell (23)5232323316
291267Pete Gerdts (15)5243112112
301640Curtis Williams (36)524352314536
312803Brandon Pierson (30)52324456222
32383Landon Maupin (12)51111411111
333104Lisa Mathes (10)51111111211
34310Jeff Bolling (11)50111211211
351053Gabe Harrison (46)505353777423
361557Trazel Silvers (12)50221232
372021Mike Talley (26)5035355311
384451Bob Culler (21)50222232323
39187Richard Pettit (27)493214414332
40195Marshall Wykoff (10)481221112
41172Major Bordeaux (65)474107535106105
42174Mary Kublawi (54)4662653811436
434482Hal Ott (17)443413132
445000Annie Jones (8)44122111
451150Michael Sparks (43)43526426774
46302Dan Hurt (53)425423837777
474480Sharon Ott (17)401211232311
482624Ron Helsabeck (65)3946736681078
491148Donald Privette (35)383144114116
502048Matt Wandel (10)381123111
511644James Mathes (22)35261342112
52393Allen Fenoseff (18)3411142324
534017Charles Bischdorf (47)323323255969
54953Angie Tipton (15)2811221143
551533Jessica Blevins (11)28113231
564019Kathy Anderson (14)271231142
571657Mike Hardin (12)24112112121
58204Bill Elliott (8)121112111
592018Kat Mitchell (9)622131
NR101Ty Henry (2)3411
NR102Bree Henry (2)1811
NR121Derrick Nave (1)81
NR124Derik Smith (7)2111221
NR142Chuck Hupchick (7)1212211
NR143Jackie Hupchick (7)4721211
NR168Steve Roberts (2)162
NR169Adam Gustaitis (1)161
NR177Missy Clouse (1)2561
NR179Laura Grant (2)19211
NR183Paco Asis (1)161
NR205Nina Nabors (7)4921211
NR228Gay Miller (6)872112
NR315Robin Bolton (5)3511111
NR394John McConnell (3)48111
NR439Hollie Hill Gustaitis (1)81
NR455Jeremy Broadwater (1)11
NR845Jack Miller (2)1711
NR875Romzie Assid (1)1281
NR926Charlie Bennett (2)8011
NR1111Matt Howell (1)21
NR1117Tom Edmonds (2)1011
NR1122Bill Dingman (3)21321
NR1125Randy Austin (2)162
NR1132Nancy Mathes (3)9111
NR1133David Leffau (3)112
NR1140Steve Huret (2)211
NR1141Caleb Williams (3)53111
NR1143Bob Argo (2)1611
NR1149Zach Wright (3)6111
NR1155Javid Kelley (6)1313111
NR1197Russ McCombs (5)71211
NR1242Joe Rosenbalm (3)3212
NR1265KJ Eckhart (1)1281
NR1270Tim Clevenger (6)8821111
NR1400Todd Arrants (6)221221
NR1401Gail Arrants (5)6211111
NR1555Adam Smith (1)01
NR1608David Byers (1)161
NR1621Chad Whitson (4)20211
NR1647Paul Johnson (4)61111
NR1706Adam Stepp (1)41
NR1774Jimmy Martin (1)21
NR1785Jeff Wayne (1)11
NR1797Jack Jaynes (2)2411
NR1798Drew Lee (1)21
NR2003Dan Dwyer (2)2411
NR2025Joe Rodefer (2)311
NR2026Terry Crisp (3)107111
NR2109Greg Douglas (1)6410
NR2161Zach Garrison (1)41
NR2162Tommy Dotson (1)81
NR2163Scott Parlier (1)01
NR2173Shane Perry (1)21
NR2632Tim Kvan (6)5012111
NR2638Louie Reynolds (1)01
NR2642Jeanette Reynolds (1)41
NR3090Wes Shields (1)1281
NR3701Scott Knight (2)1711
NR3803Brett Shoemaker (3)91111
NR3815Chad Jones (1)21
NR3818Michelle Wykoff (2)2011
NR3945Marcia Oaks (1)12801
NR4225Chad lewis (1)161
NR4226Ricky Garrison (1)81
NR4230Shaun Julian (2)6511
NR4233Lee Peace (1)1281
NR4400Kevin Trivette (7)111213
NR4444Erica Edmisten (1)21
NR4449Wes Jester (5)551112
NR4463Chris Galley (5)5911111
NR4468Kyle Love (2)02
NR4485Matt Buchler (6)38312
NR4486James Thompson (1)81
NR5001Brian Jerrell (7)481213
NR5002Stephen Partain (2)511
NR5005Billy Scales (3)23111
Scores For Session 11  ::   Last Update: October 1, 2008
59 Ranked Players  ::  136 Active Players  ::  Average Ranked Score: 53


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