Member Scores Archive
(Sessions 34 Onwards)
Session 70: Winter 2024 Invitational
These are official Tennessee Poker Tour rankings from previous sessions.
Session 33 added the option for players to 'freeze' their scores once ranked. Once frozen the average will not change, but first place finishes were still tracked and shown after the players name in blue like this: [33]
Session 34 onwards now requires 10 completed games to be ranked.
All league game scores from session 5 onwards are calculated as follows:
1st - 256 points, 2nd - 128 points, 3rd - 64 points, 4th - 32 points, 5th - 16 points,
6th - 8 points, 7th - 4 points, 8th - 2 points, 9th - 1 point, 10th - no points.
Check out the current scores here.